05.-08.09 PRODA med Iselin Brogeland, Kine Rostøl Ottesen og Ela Osiejewska

Denne uken er duket for PRODA-bonanza med hele 4 klasser!

Først ut i rekka er Samtidsdans på torsdag 05.09 med Iselin Brogeland på UiS-IMD i Bjergsted kl.19.00-20.30, studio 2153 i Danseblokken. 

På fredag 06.09 blir det Raggafest med Kine Rostøl Ottesen på Steps Dansestudio kl.18.00 – 19.30

Lørdag 07.09 kl.10.00 – 11.30 og søndag 08.09 kl.11.00 – 12.30 blir det Dancehall med Ela Osiejewska.

Om klassene:

Iselin Brogeland

During her class Iselin will try to give a small insight in to the practice of Flying Low by Daviz Zambrano.

This workshop focuses mainly on the dancer’s relationship with the floor. The class utilizes simple movement patterns that involve breathing, speed and the release of energy throughout the body in order to activate the relationship between the center and the joints, moving in and out of the ground more efficiently by maintaining a centered state. 

There is a focus on the skeletal structure that will help improve the dancers physical perception and alertness. The class includes partnering work and movement phrases, which explore the primary laws of physics: cohesion and expansion.

The dancers are urged to connect their entire body with the environment: the air, floor, and the energy of others, forming an interconnectivity.

The body is constantly spiraling, whether running or standing. These spirals help the dancers into the floor and out of the floor. These spirals already exist; this workshop focuses on finding them. The spirals help the dancer see themselves and the room from all sides. The dancer knows what is behind him/her as he/she goes forward. To activate these spirals, students locate their center and move all of their joints from this center. Arms, legs, hands, toes, elbows, feet become extensions of the center. The spirals propel the class all over the room, both on the ground and upright.